Dottie's Favorite Ways to Enjoy Snow Days in Blacksburg
Happy first major snow of the Winter!
I was so excited to see all of the white outside of my windows. I haven't seen this much snow in so long, I almost forgot what to do with it! Never fret, here are some of my favorite things to enjoy on a snow day.
- Snow angels
Bundle up first! See what beautiful - or not so beautiful - design you can create.
- Snowball fights
Were you apart of the cadet vs student snowball fight on the Drillfield? Start training now because it can get intense!
- Sledding
Students have recently found out that laundry baskets and recycling bins work semi-well as a substitute for sleds!
- Shoveling the driveway
Shovel your own driveway or offer to shovel your neighbors! Great deeds can go a long way.
- Building a snowman
Don't forget the carrot nose! Build a snowman... or a snow Hokie :-)
- Building an igloo
End the snow day right by enjoying a nice hot cup of hot cocoa in your new place!
'Til the next snow day!
xoxo, Dottie