National Skip the Straw Day

Hey Hokies!

Dottie again. Tomorrow is National Skip the Straw Day! I always try to be as environmental friendly as I can, but I am always looking for new ways to help the environment. Here are some things you can do to start living more eco-friendly:

- Use reusable straws

My favorite are metal and bamboo. Skip the plastic straw and use your own!

- Turn off the lights when not in use

You will get the added bonus of a lower energy bill. 

- Opt to walk when you can

This will also save you on gas money!

- Use reusable grocery bags

Eats Natural Foods on N Main St has a variety of reusable grocery bags. They even have other reusable products like straws and food wrap made from bees wax! 

Xoxo, Dottie

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